Thursday, February 23, 2012

So You Know You're at a Dr. Suess Movie Premiere, Right?

Well lookie here, butter beans. Zac Efron dropped a gold wrapped condom at The Lorax movie premiere. WHICH IS AN ANIMATED CHILDREN'S MOVIE. I have several thoughts on this:

1. A gold wrapper usually means it is a Magnum size. (Don't pretend you w's don't know what that    means. We're all trash here.) Yeah, no.

2. SOME PEOPLE (ahem, me) think that ol' Zacy poo *allegedly* wanted to use said condom for random hook ups with random hot men that might be attending The Zorax premiere (????).

3. SOME PEOPLE (side eye) think that the only other possibility is that Zac wanted to make balloon animals for orphans attending the movie. (Zac's PR people are feverishly typing excuse emails containing this explanation. You're welcome, b's!)

4. Last possibility: That cold hearted minxy snake Taylor Swift planted that mess in her co-stars pocket. Don't let her new bangs fool you. I see you, Swift.

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Friday, February 17, 2012


Shall I call you Mr. DumDum? Your name is awesome. Thank you for coming on Judge Mathis and sharing it with us all.

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Calling All of You Cheap Ladies! (Not In a Morally Loose Way...Or Even If You Are, Whatever.)

Do you like to be super cheap, but still get good crap? Because I sure do! (Duh!) It's not an ideal combo, because you might end up not getting anything that great...Well ever. (Double duh!) But today is an exception! (Double yay!)

There's currently a sale going on over on, and that ish is at least 50% off. That includes one of my super makeup staples, the Primer Potion. If you have never used UD Primer Potion, listen you cray b (Hey cray b's! Love you!), your world is about to get rocked. Hardcore style. (Gross.) There is NOTHING that makes your eye makeup last longer, or become more vibrant than using PP. NOTHING, I TELL YOU!!!

They haven't changed the formulation or anything, just the packaging. The sale PP is in the older style 'genie bottle'. There are some issues with this packaging (which is I'm sure why they are kiboshing this mess), but don't worry I know how to get around it!

Just when you think that you have used every bit of the Primer Potion, you ain't seen nothin' yet, sweet cheeks. You'll need to take out the wand of the bottle, then grab a big ass knife (It's a technical term). Take the b.a. knife (shortened technical term) and cut all the way through the container. It doesn't really matter where, whatever seems fancy to you. Now that you have cut through, you will see all that goodness that you were about to throw out. You silly ninny! Now take your wand from the bottle and scoop out all of that amazingness and put it in an air-tight container. I used an old eye cream vat. Once again, do what you want. I'm not your mama. (Copyright: Dinosaurs, circa 1992)

Enough about the genie bottle. They have a ton of mess on sale, including eye liner, glittery makeup bags, and even this year's Book of Shadows. And the Book of Shadow is all Jeston-esque and ish. It comes pre-loaded with makeup tutorials and portable speakers. What the what???

Okay, I'm done giving it up for Urban Decay for nothing. But ish is good. Guess I am that kind of girl... Pin It

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Another Great Drugstore Beauty Find!

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Let Us All Try to Drown Our Sorrows

We all know that, sadly, we lost Whitney Houston today. It is a very sad time for all of us. We have lost a wonderfully talented, yet tragically tortured artist. So in effort to lift all of our spirits, I present to you the one thing that will forever bring a little light to my life every time that I view it.

You're welcome.

On the real, RIP Whitney. We were all rooting for you. Oh, and I see you, Bobby.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Have a New Boyfriend, You Guys!

(Minus all that sports mess.)

Don't worry, cockroach weatherman, you're still my main man.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Reason #1987384 That You Hate Me

I effin' love Mob Wives. If you don't watch this hottest of a hot mess, you are so missing out. This Funny or Die video is pretty damn spot on. Especially Renee.

My favorite style icon from Mob Wives is hands down Big Ang. I'm seriously in love with this woman. She and I are kindred spirits. Leopard? Dark hair? Those lips?

Are you guys watching this ish? Let's talk about it.

P.S. Yes, that second Big Ang portrait tattoo is mine. Get off my jock.

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