Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Radar Online is reporting that SNOOKI IS PREGNANT. SOMEONE GET MY SMELLING SALTS, I CAN'T STOP KANYE WEST-STYLE CAPS LOCKING!!! I need to go gather my thoughts.

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More Cheap Fabulousity (AKA Best Drugstore Ish)

I have told you b's before that I am cheap. I don't really know why, it's just a thing. And while I will shell out the major dough for stuff that I love, it is always the best EVER to find great beauty products on the cheap. I've shared some of my favorites in the past, but in the past few months I have found some new goodies. Yay! Let's do this ish!

I love this b. This is Sonia Kashuk Hidden Agenda Concealer Set, available at Target for $9.99. Let me tell you, this is the business right hurr. This picture doesn't really reflect the true colors of the concealers, they are lighter in actuality. There are three colors for you to create the perfect shade to match your skin, and the bottom right square is a translucent powder to set what you have concealed! What, what? Are you at Target yet? I also just discovered while writing this that this is an Allure 'Best of Beauty' award winner. So you don't just have to trust my ass!

Next up is L'Oreal EverCreme Cleansing Conditioner, which is like a low-rent version of Wen. I have never used Wen, so I can't compare it directly, but I have used Hair One which is another cleansing conditioner. BTW, just exactly WTF is a 'cleansing conditioner'? It takes the place of your shampoo AND conditioner, and it doesn't strip your hair. Anyway, this ish is fierceness in a bottle. When I tried Hair One I:

Needless to say, I had not so high hopes for the L'Oreal cleansing conditioner. But you know what? It was:

Seriously, try it. It's like $7 at wherever you would like to purchase such items. Score.

 Keeping with the L'Oreal love fest, I have a new drugstore mascara obsession. I'm so on L'Oreal's jock right now; I hate when I'm a brand w. So annoying! Anyway, I am really into L'Oreal Voluminous mascara. It's reminiscent of Lancome's Hypnose, which no doy (!!!), L'Oreal and Lancome are owned by the same parent company! Yay for cheap and glorious! This is $7 or $8 depending on if you are a Walmart kind of girl ($7) or a CVS chick ($8, but get them Extra Care Bucks honey boo boo!).

I actually have ANOTHER L'Oreal product that I really like, but I'll save it for later. I'm tired of talking about them. You guys are going to think that I'm on payroll or some ish. Please b, I wish.

Do you guys have any drugstore faves? What are your cheap down ass b's?

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Monday, January 30, 2012

The Big Ol' WTF From the SAG Awards

Seriously, Wiig? I hope that this is how we got here: Kristen was playing memory lane dress up (where you put on weird crap that you own from a million years ago) right before the SAG Awards, and she threw on her most heinous choker from circa '98. (She's funny! It amuses her!) Meanwhile, her friend was ironically (hilariously) gluing on Lee brand press-on nails right behind her. Somehow the nail glue droplets fell into the choker's attaching apparatus thingy, locking the horrible choker onto Wiig's neck! And Wiig has a scissor phobia, so she doesn't keep any in her house, rendering her completely unable to remove the gross choker! At this point, she just has to throw on her decent but pretty 'meh' dress and skedaddle! 

That's the only possible explanation. Or a wild west posse forced her to wear that mess at gunpoint. That's it.

P.S. I don't care that it's some old ass Fred Leighton bougie bougie boo boo stuff. A mess is a mess is a mess.

P.P.S. Her makeup looks pretty.

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Computer Just Updated...

And this was one of my tabs recovered when my computer restarted. I feel like I'm probably flagged by the FBI now.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Did Rihanna Really Get 'Thug Life' Tattooed on Her Fingers?

Listen, young lady. I know you think this all cool and ish, but one day it won't be. And isn't getting 'Thug Life' tattooed in PINK kind of an oxymoron? And John Lennon does not endorse this action. But you know where the poster of your t-shirt image does belong?

End of Discussion.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm Not Young, and I'm Hardly Adult...But I'm So Pumped Over 'Hunger Games'!

This is completely unrelated, but the title of this post forced my brain to go here...

Don't act like your grown ass didn't just sit here and watch that entire video. And don't act like Britney wasn't super hot then! Blerg!

Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Are you guys into The Hunger Games? Or you all, "Hello...That's a Young Adult series, and I am grown and sexy!" (P.S. If you really did just think that, Mom, stop reading this blog and go back to reading How Stella Got Her Groove Back.) If you aren't on the H.G. train yet, you better hop the hell on, b! The movie of the first book comes out in March, and the buzz keeps building. Adding to the fabulousity is the newly created Capitol Couture site, which shows off the hottest H.G. fashions, starting with ol' Effie Trinket. (Duh.)

Ugh! How much are you dying right now??? Hopefully we will get more sneak peeks as we get closer to the release of the movie. But now, I have to go powder my face (literally) and get a pink wig. (Yay for two semi-Britney Spears references in one completely unrelated post!)

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Light a Candle!

 *Seriously, who marries/has kids with this person?

No, this isn't about the flatlining of  Heidi Klum and Seal's marriage, which totally brings the sadness, BTW. This is SERIOUS! Former Mr. Spears level seriousity! (Yep, not a word. Don't google it.) According to TMZ (They also have a couple pics), Kevin Federline was hospitalized in Australia for signs of a heart attack. Seeing that K Fed looks like he's DEEEEP into his third trimester, this ish isn't THAT surprising. But, dang, b is only 33! Honey Boo Boo, you better get this right. Your kids by your three (!!!) babies' mamas need their diiiiddy! (Don't sue me, real Diddy.)

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