Sunday, August 7, 2011

Nail Art is the Shizz...And if You Don't Know, Now You Know!

In case you guys haven't had internet access or lost your spectacles or something for six months, nail art is super hot right now. I've been trying out a variety of craziness, and today is no different. Today's little summer camp arts and crafts project is ridiculously easy, too. Check out what I've been up to after the jump. (You know you want to see my hot ass mess.)

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why Can't I Quit You, F21?

I effing love Forever 21. I can't help it. I'm too old to shop there; got it. But there's just something about rifling through all the piles of cheap crap that's like black tar heroin to me. And my most favoritest (???) part of F21 are the accessories. They are cheap as hell. And I love it.

Ahhhh, I love a cluster eff of bracelets. I'm a gaudy ass bitch, yesss'm. And I got that panther/tigery little treasure the other day at F21. It was like $3 or something! Do you guys share my passion for the ol' 2-1?

P.S. I also got some other good stuff like big ass door knocker earrings. What up!

P.P.S. I'm afraid this is turning into a blog for cheap b's. Sigh. Pin It

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

OMG. I Think Butterflies and Glitter Just Exploded From My Heart Valves!

Interspecies Intermingling of the Day

If you want to see a video of this cuteness, skip on over to the Daily What and check it out. He's wearing jean shorts you guys! Awwww!

Note: The only time it's cute for a guy to be wearing jean shorts is if he's non-human. Pin It

I Just Can't.

There are so many reasons that this is sad.

via buzzfeed Pin It

Monday, August 1, 2011

I Have a Confession.

I love this bitch. I feel like Brenda Walsh was my life mentor from a young, impressionable time in my childhood. I would like to blame Brenda/Shannen for my c-face. So, with this in mind, I am so freaking excited. Shannen Doherty has a reality show coming out! (Don't ask me when or where, I'm too lazy to actually do some research. Pashaw!) And it's about her impending 3rd (or something) marriage! (Don't roll your eyes!) And if you don't share my everlasting love for Brenda/Shannen (Yes, I feel like they are very similar. Remember all of her shenanigans?!?! No? Just me? I'm old? Okay.) This will change your mind.

Just look at that stone-cold shade she is throwing at that dumb Kelly Taylor! Yes!!!!
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True Blood Musings: Eric + Sookie Edition (Boo Bill!)

 See, b's? I'm already updating. In your face! I actually googled Debbie Pelt because I wanted to point out how I still don't trust that w, but Lafayette came up instead. Hey, it's cool with me. Let's do it.

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cheap Crap I Love: Waterproof (ish) Eyeliner

I love eyeliner. The blacker the better, and that mess better stay on like a boss. I don't want that greasy, smudgy crap. And don't be all, "But I can't wash it ALLLLL the way off at night...." Who gives an eff? What are you in a nightly sleeping beauty pageant? Get on it. And guess what? I have a hands-down favorite that costs less than $5. And comes in blackest black. So, yeah, it's pretty much my bitch. Ready for the big reveal?

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