Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2011

Easy Ish: Smokey Eye Tutorial

Don't be alarmed that I look like the dog from Lil' Rascals at the beginning of this video.

P.S. I never realized how freaking awkward I am until I started doing these videos. Pin It

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Easy Fall Fashion: 1 Dress, 3 Ways

Okay, b's. It's officially fall! I made another sh*tty (yet hopefully somewhat helpful) vid to show you a few ways to style one simple fall dress.

Let me know what you guys would like more videos/posts about! Pin It

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm a Douche...

I made an eyebrow tutorial video. It's my first one, so I kind of suck. Get your tomatoes ready...

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Easy(ish) Cute Hairstyles

I'm always on the lookout for cute, easy things to do with my hair. I get bored easily, and I try to avoid doing drastic, somewhat permanent things to my hair by finding new styling techniques. So, yeah, basically I'm a crazy b that makes rash decisions. Yay! Check out the cuteness that I found scouring the interwebs. So cute, non? I am linking to the blogs where I found this badassness (with instructions, yay) so we all can have amazing hurrrr. For that friggin' awesome bun, find out how do create it here. And the braid instructions are here. Okay, annnnnnd go!

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Nail Art is the Shizz...And if You Don't Know, Now You Know!

In case you guys haven't had internet access or lost your spectacles or something for six months, nail art is super hot right now. I've been trying out a variety of craziness, and today is no different. Today's little summer camp arts and crafts project is ridiculously easy, too. Check out what I've been up to after the jump. (You know you want to see my hot ass mess.)

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Accessorizing for Lazies: Summer Scarf Edition

Summer = Lazy for me. (As does Fall, Winter, Spring...) But you can easily accessorize a very simple (tank and jeans or jersey dress) outfit by throwing on my favorite accessory. The summer scarf. So what is a summer scarf? It's a thin, almost gauzy scarf that won't make you sweat your a-hole off. Don't throw on the scarf your gammie made you when you were 12 that is a heavy wool blend. Too much. So let's see what's happening with this scarf sitch.

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Requested Post: Don't Use Crap Brushes

I think I have been watching too much My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. (Maybe I'll post on that elegance later...) I feel like I have started using their vernacular. Yesterday I said, "It's driving me mad!" Now I just typed "crap brushes." And kept it. Anyway, this is a requested post by my friend, Holly O. Makeup brushes can be confusing, I know. But if you are using any brush that came with something you bought, put that ish down and start reading. And if I find out you are using one of those little sponge tip thingys to put on eyeshadow, you are getting punched.

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Let's Talk About Weave...

As I mentioned a few days ago, I am a Sally Beauty Supply w. And there is one an only reason for that. I am completely addicted to clip-in hair weave. These are the extensions I get, and I dye them to match my hair. So let's get real first and see the actual blah-ness of my actual hair.

I will say two things about these pictures. 1. I took these this morning, and I hadn't even brushed my hair. So it looks slightly more gross than normal. (Give me a break, it's freaking Sunday.) 2. I was not aware of the tragedy that is the apparent double chin that I have. I will give that immediate attention; trust. So c'mon after the jump to see the magical extension tour.
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

EYEBROWS! Jazz hands!

I am completely obsessed with eyebrows. Like ol' dude from Brokeback Mountain, I cannot quit them. En. Thralled. If you don't give a rat's keister (???) about eyebrows, skip this ish. Those of you that are still reading, let us embark on a brow tutorial!

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