Thursday, August 18, 2011

Let's Talk About This Krap.

 Have you guys heard about this line the Kardashian sisters are doing for Sears? Well they had a launch party last night for said line, and they are wearing the wares. Please hop on over the the Sears website so you can view this Kardashian Kollection. Okay, are you back? Let's talk about this mess.

First of all, stop with the "K" bull ish. It's not "kute." Now let's talk about the clothes. They are pretty much what I would expect. Kind of tacky and cheap looking, okay, fine. Not too shocking. You know what is shocking the eff out of me? The frigging price!!! Take Kourtney's outfit in the picture above. The top is $96 and the skirt is $99. B's, you are out of your damn minds. Almost $200 for a SEARS OUTFIT?!?

Target has been doing successful collaborations with REAL DESIGNERS like Alexander McQueen and Zac Posen for years, and at slightly above their normal, low prices. Dresses are usually $30 to $40. And customers understand the the quality will not be the haute couture of the normal high-end designs. I really don't know where these people get off. WTF? You are turning away your Sears customers by pricing this crap so highly.

What do you guys think? Are you into these looks? What about the prices? Pin It

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Things That Me Go Meeeeeh

I feel like everyone has their beauty product nemesis. I have a few. One is foundation, and another is dry shampoo. We will talk about foundation another time, today is all about the quest to have lazy (yet not disgusting) hair. So I purchased a new dry shampoo a couple of weeks ago, so let's review that ish.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How to Smell Like Food

Not like a hot ham sandwich (which sounds delightful) or anything. Think sweet. If you are totally over vanilla, come on over to the cotton candy side of the sugar factory.

This is my down-ass b, Pink Sugar. It smells so good! The only downside is it make me hungrier than I already am (And girl, I'm houwngry!). Whenever I wear it, people ask who baked cookies. Yep, I like to smell like a baked good. Don't judge me.

If  you would also like to smell like you came straight off a carnie's cart, or fresh from the Walmart bakery (Who doesn't?!?!?) this little gem can be purchased here. Pin It

This. Is. Horrifying.

So you guys remember this chick, right? The supposed 16 year old that's constantly making creepy sex faces that married the old dude from Green Mile? Well, it gets grosser. You have GOT to read her twitter. This crap is highly disturbing coming from a "16 year old girl." I feel all kinds of illegal right now. Pin It

Monday, August 15, 2011

True Blood Musings: Somebody Get This W(B)itch Out of Here!

 Ugh. This b. Let's talk crap about her.
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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Get Ready to Feel Old as Eff: Part 198430918

This b is pregnant. (Not like, here in this picture. Don't be gross!)

Hilary Duff announced her pregnancy via her website. Now let's all just pour a little out for our homies that were her big veneers. (Remember that??? Then like a week later she filed them down?) Pop bottles.

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Time to Freshen That Mess Up!

Okay, I have not been overly barraged with Summer's Eve commercials (Although, I kind of have, and I give them snaps [shoutout Clueless] for the creativity. And spot buying power. Damn I see those b's a lot.). Anyway, this is not a post on your feminine hygiene. I don't know your life, maybe you have that on lock down; maybe you don't. So get your (my) mind out of the gutter (impossible) and let's talk about your hair.

Do you ever feel like your hair is just kind of...meh? Not that shiny, not very lively, not very Jhirmack bounce back beautiful hairy? So you use more conditioner and products, and you still have bad hair? You might need a little clarifying in your life. Using a clarifying shampoo can get rid of all of that stuff we use every day. Moroccan Oil, Biosilk, leave-in conditioner, whatever. Once again, I don't know your life.

 This is what I currently use. It's from Rusk, and it's pretty cheap ($10-$12) and you can buy it at CVS or wherever you choose to do your moderately low-rent beauty shopping. I use this stuff two to three times a week, but like I have said before, I am oily as hell. I also have super-fine hair. So that works for me. Whether I have platinum blonde, black, or somewhere in-between hair. But here's another little beauty factoid about me. I'm not scared, and I'm extreme. Just do what works for you and your hair type. 

If you're like, "But I dye my hair Rihanna cray cray red! Won't it fade my hair???" Yeah, probably. So if you're scared, or you have super fragile(istic) hair, consult a professional. Which I am not.

What do you guys think? Are you super clarifyers like me? Or do you like to let it marinate?
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