Friday, August 12, 2011

Get My Sharpie.

Time for my dogs to up their eyebrow game

Edit: Crap. You can't use a hot phrase like "eyebrow game" twice. B's notice that.

via buzzfeed

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eff. One More Thing to Add to My Eyebrow Game.

Ish, guys. I'm so over myself. As if I don't have enough items I use to do my brow every day. I HAD to go out and try something new. And it HAD to be friggin' awesome. I used to believe any ol' eyebrow gel, clear mascara, hairspray on a mascara wand (Hush your mouth. Don't give me that judgey-ass side eye!) would do to keep my artistic drawings on my eyebrow glued on. Until I met my new soulmate.

Anastasia Clear Brow Gel. Do you hear angels singing? I do. The top picture is how it looks in package, and the bottom is the actual tube. I was kind of unsure about this crap because it was like $20, and as I said I kind of felt like everything is the same. Whatevs. But I have heard great things about Anastasia products. She's an eyebrow guru, and I better step off.

But OMG, you guys. This stuff is really great. It holds my ish in place without gloopy, goopy (shoutout Gwyneth Paltrow) crap all over my eyebrows. It dries to a pleasant finish, not hard and crazy like when I use, a-hem, hairspray. And it lasted until my lazy ass finally washed my face at like 1 am. Big ups. Try it.

P.S. Can be purchased at my house, a.k.a Sephora or here.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Story on your boyfriend here. Pin It

Just an FYI

Ali Lohan is now a real, professional, represented model.

P.S. She is 17. Yes, that's a one in front of the seven. Yep.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tell Me WTF To Do

I am a high heels, platforms, wedges as high as they make them kind of girl. Probably because I am short as a mofo and I have a complex with my legs being a-hem, "stumpy." But I digress...I have recently moved to a bigger city, that is much more conducive to actually walking places. Or like parallel parking and walking to your destination. Bleh. It is becoming increasingly tough to wear my beloved five and six inch heels all the time. So, I have been wearing flip flops more and more. I don't like flip flops. So here I am.
Toms. Are these me? Do I keep schlepping around in flip flops? I like their whole give a pair of shoes to needy kids for every pair they sell thing. What do you guys think? I'm facing an internal war of glam versus flats! I need help. Pin It

I'm a Terrible Person

Let's just go into this knowing that, okay? So last night I was watching Intervention (Obvs.), and I became transfixed on something other than the standard craziness ensuing. I noticed something and it got my cray cray photographic memory working, and BAM here we are. Let us take a journey, because I believe a non-drug related intervention may be in need for some of these poor, unfortunate souls. (Shoutout to Ursula the sea witch!)

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I'm Still Obsessed: More Fake Tanning

So I let you guys in on my self tanning obsession in one of my very first blog posts. I'm not into looking even older than I am, so I choose to rub my tan on! I am also always on the lookout for the freaking absolute best, and easiest self tanners. The one that I have been using for a couple months I can't find in my hood, so I started doing a little digging on the top rated Sephora self tanner. So let's see what I found!

St. Tropez Self Tan Bronzing Mousse. Have you guys tried this? Let me tell you what I like. I love a mousse. That shit dries fast. (Yay!) My O.G. self tanner from back in college was a mousse, and and I haven't forgotten the bad assness of it yet. But unlike my old school crap, this doesn't stink (that badly). It's kind of flowery and not completely self tannery.

The only thing I'm not 100% on is the darkness. It's a little on the light side for my tastes. I want to look cray cray! But I tend to have to play around with the amount I use to make sure I get the crazy tanorexicness that I crave. What to see before and after pictures of my pasty ass? Then jump!

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