Monday, November 12, 2012

Random Homie: Fun by Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

Fun by Lush, $6.95 each
I feel like this product was MADE for me, even though I really think it's more for kids. Too bad, kids! Too bad! Fun is a new product from Lush Cosmetics (a brand that I LOVE), which can be used as a soap, shampoo, or bubble bath. But the best part is...YOU CAN MOLD IT LIKE CLAY. Whaaaaat? So, of course, I wanted to be completely overly ambitious and create a masterpiece molded after the Falcor, the dragon from The Neverending Story. I mean, obviously.

Well, come on, people. If you have read this blog for 2.5 seconds, you know that laziness is my number one priority. So instead, I made this.

It's a doughnut! The nice peeps at Lush sent me the yellow (vanilla), green (lemon/lime), and red/orange (duh, mandarin orange), so I wanted to use all of the colors. And naturally, I wanted to create something delicious as eff.

And here's after I took a big ass bite of my fauxnut. No! I broke off a piece to use in the shower, obviously. That little bitty piece was enough to last through the shower, and the combination of smells made me want to eat a real doughnut. And there was no gross residue, which is a pet peeve of mine when using a soap. And here's another awesome bonus from the Lush website:

2.5% of sales from every bar of FUN is contributed to the FUNd, a LUSH initiative which supports charities in Fukushima, Japan that create safe places for children to play outside.

Cool, right? Go see all of the Fun varieties here. Now, I am off to eat a real doughnut. No, I'm not! (Yes, I am.)

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