Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another Day, Another C Stodd Post

In these new pics from Celebuzz, Hot Stoddy claims to go "makeup free" and pose in a bathtub. (But, no, seriously, America. This girl is UNDER 18. Where are you with your iced tea and cookies, Chris Hansen? Someone should be taking a seat.) Anyway, Court has never looked a) younger or b) prettier I can honestly say without a drop of snark.

BUT. BUT. BUT. Honey boo boo, you have makeup on. You are wearing roughly the same amount of makeup that an average (read: not a ridiculously over dramatic person like myself) woman would wear on a daily basis. I see foundation, brow pencil, mascara, and a little eyeshadow.

I applaud your understated look (minus the soapy tub shots), Courtney Stodden. But you can't play a player. I see you (and your makeup).

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