Monday, November 7, 2011

Brace Yourselves. I'm About to Say Something Nice!

Demi Lovato posted this picture of her new hair color to her Twitter account. And you know what? I really like this ish! But I will say that I'm really biased. I am OBSESSED with red hair right now. I think it's completely gaaaaw-jus. I'm just going to throw it out there. I want to be a ginger. Badly.

Are you guys watching American Horror Story? Young Moira is a HOT redhead. Am I wrong?

And what about Florence Welch, of Florence + the Machine? B*tch is fierce as hell!

And probably the most beautiful ginger of all (to me), Alison Sudol from A Fine Frenzy. You cannot tell me this redhead is to die for!

So what do you guys think? Think I could pull this off? Or would I look a hot, hot mess?

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