Monday, June 13, 2011

You Need This: An Absolute Makeup Staple

I literally cannot live without this. If you have eyelids, and you wear makeup on them, you freaking need this.

Urban Decay Primer Potion is my down ass b. I look like complete ish without this. I'm am, I do believe, the oiliest person on the face of the planet. Nothing can shut down those oil rigs. (More on that another day.) But even if you aren't oilier than the pet duck from the football field on Saved By the Bell (Please tell me someone remembers this???), you need this. It makes eyeshadow stay ALL DAY. And I mean all day. Not some half-assed day. It also makes colors more vibrant. Seriously, go buy this. If you don't like it, you can punch me in the face. Thoughts? And don't tell me about some lid primer you like better, because I ain't hearing it!

EDIT: Do yourself a favor and get the version that's in a tube. Don't get the hard, genie bottle-shaped tube. You can't get even half the product out of that one, and you will literally have to butcher knife that b open to get the rest out. It's not cute. Stick with the tube, so we can all be lazy together. Pin It


  1. I do want this immediately, and not only do I remember the duck I AM the duck. Where do you buy it??

  2. Ulta. I knew you would remember the duck!


