Tuesday, August 7, 2012

True Blood Musings: I Think the Wardrobe B's are Effing With Us.

So, this happened this week. I can't even handle 90% of what my eyes saw this week. Let's get this over with...


UPDATE: Holy eff, you guys. This b stole Honey Boo Boo's jam.

Mind = blown. I think I just saw the future.

- Oh, well hey there. That thurrs a penis. And the carpet matches the drapes. (Sorry/you're welcome for not photographing that.)
- I told you b's last week that LaLa's eyelashes were fire. Even he knows it.
- Arlene never fails to bring the #highfashion.
- Which is a better Pam Quotes airbrushed t-shirt? "Head down, tits up" or "Oprah and Gayle?"
- Alcide's really gotten deep into the eyebrow maintenance game as an adult, apparently.
- Is Alcide listening to The Wallflowers during his emo drive to Jackson?
- And just who the hell is this lovely house-coat-wearin', frying-pan-smacking, heavenly angel of a woman?
- Can someone just kill Felicity dude already? End. This. Storyline.
 - It just keeps getting better. #highfashion (And, yes, that's a scrunchie on her wrist.)
- Whose turn is it to clean the vampire pondering pond of tranquility? That is is looking scummy as hell.
- Whenever Bill is in sex scenes, I get grossed out. Even if it's not with a b covered completely in blood.
- Sam's fighting a dude with a sling blade while his dong is out. That's a friggin' high alert situation.
- Are we going to have a "Sookie gets hooked on Oxys" storyline next?
- Alright. Now get the eff out of here, Ifrit. Your ish is boring.
- Oh, hell no. Marilyn Manson did NOT just flip Pam like it was nothing. Not cute.
- If these two hook up, they will be THE WORST COIFFED COUPLE, EVER.
- So Alcide's dad is the dude from Terminator (Robocop?) and loves leather vests, sans shirt. Hot.
 - Seriously, there is no way that Louisiana clothes are this bad.

Next week: There are only three episodes left. WTF?

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