Tuesday, August 21, 2012

True Blood Musings: Blah, Blah, Blah.

I don't really know what my deal is lately with True Blood. I just feel a whole big ass "No Comment." about it. So this week, I just took pictures of random ish that seemed to interest me. Sorry. How you realized I'm s*tty about everything yet? Get with the program.

JUMP to see this week's True Blood in pictures.

 This B: "Ke$ha. For or against?"
Me: What the eff is happening right now?
This B: "Boyz II Men. For or against?"
Me: Seriously. What. Is. Happening.

Okay, I don't even care what's happening anymore. Blerg.

"I'm a bitch, not a snitch" is my new go-to catchphrase.

Yep. Still hot.

I found my next house, guys. Friggin' like a boss.

Next week: People die or something.

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