Tuesday, March 13, 2012


                                                                   Pic via Pop Sugar

So, um hi guys. I know a lot of you are all, "And you are???" I know. I haven't blogged in about 8 million years. But I got a retail job a few weeks ago, and I've been busy y'alls! (Worst excuse of the year? 'Haps.) BUT, I just got a new computer and I made a pact with myself that I would blog AT LEAST four times a week. Mmmmkay? Mmmmkay. Now that that nonsensical madness is out of the way, let's discuss this.

TWEEEEEEE! (Okay, so "TWEEEEE!" is what I say in my mind when I see something I like that is completely age inappropriate for me to be into. See: Hunger Games, Hello Kitty, pretty pink stuff.) So here's Jennifer Lawrence from The Hunger Games premiere. Um, if this ish isn't TWEEEEE-rific, I don't know what the eff is. Katniss is looking all kinds of minx-y in this getup. Everything is a big ol' YEEEEAAAAS for me on this.

What do you guys think? Into it? Feel like vomiting? (Maybe you had some bad shellfish.)

P.S. I'm thinking of doing a a Hunger Games makeup tutorial vid. Probably something Effie Trinket-ish.

Would you guys like that? Still want to vomit? Let a sister know.

I'm baaaaack b's!

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