Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How To Take Your Face From Basic To Bad In 10 Seconds Flat

Some days you just have a case of ye olde blah face. Whether you're feeling half shitty, tired, or just can't find any effs to gives towards trying -- we've all been there, sister. It happens.

I'm meh-faced and I know it.
Luckily, there is an easy cure-all for this dreadful affliction, and it takes the absolute minimal time and effort, because you know how I do.  I'm talking about getting fancy with yourself and using a bold lipstick. I know that there are still some of you out there that are all, "I just can't do a bright/dark/whatever lip colors." I SEE YOU, AND YES, YOU CAN.

Are there rules and shit about picking cool-toned lipsticks if you're a cool-skinned person, and all of that hootenanny? Yeah, sure, whatever. But who cares? That's boring. All you really need is a "Bitch, I look good" attitude adjustment, and you can wear whatever the hell makeup item that you're into at that exact second.

With that in mind, here are some of my ride-or-die lipsticks in various shades that are sure to cure boring face in under ten seconds flat. (TIME ME, MOFOs.)

I wasn't lying when I told you I wasn't giving up bright lipsticks anytime soon. In fact, I bought this lipstick after I wrote that post. Screw you, Fall stereotypes!

If you fancy yourself a real girly girl, fuchsia might be the perfect gateway lipstick to jump off your bold lip kick. And if you have a darker skin tone, THIS NEEDS TO BE YOUR SHIT.

MAC Viva Glam I ($16)
Let's be real -- red lips are the training wheels of bold and bangin' lipsticks. NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT.

I love red lipstick, and absolutely every pair of lips attached to a face can pull it off. If you're one of those homies that I referenced who are still scared to get crazy with your lipstick, this puppy is for you.

NYX Matte Lipstick in Indie Flick ($5-$6)
My husband just saw me working on this and said, "That lipstick is too crazy," re: this picture. (For reference, he said the red lipstick picture looked "normal.") So, now we're getting divorced. JK.

Orange-y lipsticks are definitely on the more adventurous side of the tracks. Like, where people that think a meal consisting of chips and wine are a more than adequate dinner live. I live there. Join me. It's fun (and apparently crazy) here.

Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick in Shame ($22)
Don't get it twisted, I'm not exclusively about that bright lip game. Dark lips are equally dope. In fact, being the moody brooder that I am, deep berry lipsticks probably match my personality best. But I also like unicorns and mermaids and such, so....you see why the shades are vast and varied here.

Okay, I'm 100% sick of looking at my own damn mug, so I'm wrapping it up. What bold-to-death lipstick shades are you into? Tell me in the comments. Or maybe even upload a picture of YOUR beautiful mug. I WANT TO SEE ALL THE THINGS.

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