Listen, I don't know nothin' about birthing babies (Credit: Prissy in Gone With the Wind. P.S. That ish is ridic racist.), but b*tch, you are pregnant as hell. Don't believe me? Go look at all of these pictures on Splash News Online. Ol' J Simp's spanx are hanging on for dear life and SCREEEEAAA-MING.
Point #2, I'm not Lizzie Grubman (Remember that b?!?) or anything, but if you're trying to get 500k for your pregnancy announcement, don't wear the tightest sh*t you own and traipse about New York. Damn Chicken of the Sea, didn't your Daddy teach you better than that? Or are you doing this to one up your ex-dude's wife? If that's the case, play on, playa. Pin It
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