Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cheap Crap I Love: Mineral Makeup Edition

I have a confession. I freaking hate Bare Mineral foundations. I mean could you have LESS foundation color options? I hate how it looks on my skin. Now, put your picket signs away all of you BM lovers (heh, BM lovers). I know some people love that crap, and it's changed their lives, and it makes them dream of mallomars and unicorn horns. Great. Awesome.

I will say that I like two Bare Minerals products. Well Rested for under eye area is my bitch. Done, hang it up, love it. If you want to try it, you can get it from Sephora. I also like warmth for a bronzer, but I don't use it anymore after spilling an entire container in my car. Over. It.

I have another mineral makeup that I like a million times better, and it's way cheaper. The one downside is that you can only buy it online, but they ship super fast so it's not THAT annoying. The line is called Everyday Minerals. I first learned about it when researching mineral makeup a few years ago. I came across a bunch of youtube videos comparing BM and EM, and EM kept coming up on top. So I thought, "What the hell, I'll try it."

Well here's the best part. You can try minis of the foundations for free! Yes, free, bitches! Here's the link. All you pay is shipping (which was about $3 for me), and you get seven sample size foundations in the finish (matte or semi-matte) and skintone of your choosing. Pretty awesome, huh? They also have specials every day that are pretty awesome. I have never tried any eyeshadows or anything, so don't ask me about that crap.

I won't say that 100% LOVE this. It's the best mineral makeup FOR ME that I have used. But, I need a little more coverage. For that I use MAC's Studio Fix, then I put the Everyday Minerals loose base on top. If you like a lighter coverage, you should be set just with the EM base.

Do you guys have a foundation that you LOVE, LOVE? I'm always open to newness! And I will say that this is what works for me, a chick that's oily as eff and needs a fuller coverage. Let's discuss! Pin It

