Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Are You Going to Try This Ish? Or am I Cray-Zay?

So I got brave today. I've been wanting to try the open-toed bootie/wedge/whatever the hell you wear on your feet and sock trend, but I've been scared. I decided to do it today. I was getting my beloved Russian mail order bride (rude) bangs cut, and I said, "Eff it. I'm wearing socks and wedges. Bite me, world!"

I'm into it, guys. I can't lie. I can't wait to try different socks, tights, hospital shoe covers, cotton balls, everything! What do you guys think? Are you willing to give this look a try? It's okay if you hate it. I won't judge you. (Yes, I totally will.) Speak yo' mind! (And the rest will follow...Shout out: En Vouge) Pin It

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