Okay, so I was supposed to be LIVE blogging everything. Ha. You should have known that my massive laziness would interfere with that ish. Quit being so obtuse. (I don't even really know what that means, but I have always wanted to say it. I've also always wanted to throw a drink in someone's face, but that doesn't really apply here.) So last night was Allure magazine's badass Best of Beauty party, and I GOT TO GO TO THERE! (That's a
30 Rock reference, I'm not THAT terrible with writing.)
And here's what I wore, because I know you are all DYING to know. (Cough, cough. Yeah right.) And, yes, those are sequined leggings. Stop freakin' judging me.
Here's the boss ass view from the party. It was completely gorgeous. I met a ton of people, and it was completely fantastic. I didn't take anymore pictures at the party, because I didn't want to be a weird creeper.
And here's all of the SWAG that I got with my prize. Good Lawd, that's a lot of beauty products. Hot damn, this ish is crazy.
P.S. I'm really not "live blogging" because my hotel charges like $14 a day for internet access, and hell to the naw. I. Will. Not. Pay. That. Mess.
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