After seeing Mr. Belding on Mad Men this week, I started thinking.
Whaddup, Mr. B? Where's Miss Bliss? |
What was more awesome(er): Zack Morris' 10381093810298 lb cell phone? Or Slater's pleated to hell and back pants? Let's have a little refresher.
First, the phone:
The early years |
What the what? Is that an effing flip phone??? |
"What's up, Preppy? Check these guns!" |
Now, that's just adorbs. |
But, I don't know, you guys. These pants just won't quit:
This. Is. Weird. |
This entire look is sexy. (Call the police, I think he's 13 here.) |
Z Cavariccis never looked so olive-y! |
Wow. These are the pants version of that double-velcro Reebok high top we wore. (Don't front like you didn't.) |
So what's better? Zack's uber techo savvy phone? Or Slater's fashion forward bottom wear?
Duh. The pants win. DID YOU SEE THE LAST PICTURE?!?!? Plus, there's this:
Bonus points for Lisa's hair. |
P.S. Was this the "Jessie's addicted to effing CAFFEINE PILLS" episode? Oh, 90's. You were such a card.
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